Bi-sexual, erotic, adventurous, adores sex, including anal to the full.
All day Morning to midnight +
Incall: Solihull, B90 4JG
Incall: Bromsgrove, B61 9AB
Incall: Bristol, BS1 3EN
Outcall: Every day, West Midlands & including the Gloucestershire area.
Bookings on the site provide real-time availability, inked to my diary. All Bookings.
All bookings are purely for time and companionship; anything between two consenting adults is at their discretion.

Bi-sexual, erotic, adventurous, adores sex, including anal to the full.
All day Morning to midnight +
Incall: Solihull, B90 4JG
Incall: Bromsgrove, B61 9AB
Incall: Bristol, BS1 3EN
Incall: Gloucester GL4 3RX
Outcall: Every day, West Midlands & including the Gloucestershire area.
Bookings on the site provide real-time availability, inked to my diary. All Bookings.
All bookings are purely for time and companionship; anything between two consenting adults is at their discretion.

All Bookings

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4 hour £600
4.5 hours £650
5 hours £700
5.5 hours £750
2 hours £400
2.5 hours £450
3 hours £500
3.5 hours £550
Outcalll rate information
Each additional person with you £50 per
person each 30 minutes.
Cash only on arrival pease.
Longer appointments including overnights and
over-days or for my full services... Read more

Incall rate information
2.5 hours £350
3 hours £400
3.5 hours £450
4 hours £500
30 mins £150
1 hour £200
1.5 hours £250
2 hours £300
Each additional person with you £50 per
person each 30 minutes.
Cash only on arrival pease.
Longer appointments including overnights and
over-days or for my full services... Read more

Booking code generated
-- -- -- --
Use the mobile number you submitted.
TEXT this code, lower or uppercase to the number shown below.
07575 644442
Code expires in 15 minutes.
% updating my diary
You will be sent a confirmation text back. Only then is your booking finalised.
Confirmation replies may take time; however, if you sent the code before it expired you will not be blocked, the booking slot will remain reserved for you until you receive a response.
READ THIS : To reserve your slot, TEXT the code displayed or cancel it within 15 minutes to avoid being automatically blocked.

If you're not going to show then cancelling the booking is always best practice.
Not cancelling will get you automatically blocked permanently.
If short notice under 2 hours is given for a cancellation but at least you cancelled , it may assist you when reviewed.
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Cancellation of a booking.

Time Taken
Time Taken
Unfortunately, you just missed this particular booking time. It's no longer available.
Please select an alternative booking time.
I would love to meet you.
Love Minx xxx

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